
Best(strikethrough) Favorite Things of the Decade List!

While it seems compulsory to have END OF THE DECADE LISTS!... I actually find them fascinating and can not get enough, so welcome to mine!

For those of us in our mid twenties, this is really the first time we can reasonably look back on a decade as a whole, and attempt to understand it, explain it or even to define it. It's a decade that has taken me from age 15 to 25, a span which most likely will be the decade of most change, both physically, mentally, emotionally, and hopefully intellectually in my life.

Just as the boomers get teary eyed about the 60's and the X-ers still have Pearl Jam and/or U2 CDs spinning in their cars... we will one day in the future program a tear at the corner of our eye when we think back on the Aught's. So what was it? What will we remember? How will we choose to define it, and how will that definition change over time? Those things we won't know for certain of course, but how do we see it now, as it comes to an end?

In general how can we define it now? How do we summarize it into lists where by we rate Apples the fourth best fruit of the decade and Oranges the fifth. While it seems culture during the Aught's was ever more bent on youth culture I still feel as though our experience lacks the context of other decades, perhaps we are good primary sources but I'm not sure we are the experts... yet.

So I am not going to make a list of numbers but merely, call it what it is a list of FAVORITES.

So in the next coming days, weeks.. months? I will bring up some of my favorite and perhaps least favorite things of the decade. (Speaking of least favorite things... here is one... Americans who spell favorite, favourite. And color Colour for that matter.)

Things you ask... yes things.

Trends, Inventions, Bands, Films, Artists, Moments, Memories.... perhaps even some re-enactments or dramatizations.. some Essays... really a catch all for my premature nostalgia. (Actually Premature Nostalgia might be one of the trends of the Decade... however there is a chance it will make it on the least favorite side of the aisle.)

And if anyone wants to join me that's great. If not... get ready for a whole lot of ME.

Anyway, check back often there should be a lot of updates.

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