

PLANT MAGIC MAN goes electric. 

After 3 albums of layered acoustic folk inspired tracks, heavy with pianos, small drums and loose rattling acoustic guitar strings the fourth album from PLANT MAGIC MAN (recorded in October 2009) starts off with an tight beating electronic drum front and center, while shimmering tremolo electric guitars duel underneath, announcing the next step of Plant Magic Man sound. 

While Gospel Noise Choir seemed more of a sonic experimentation and seemingly signaled a transition into more free form noise inspired music, Daniel Kaufman's Album demonstrates a tightness of song composition, production and seemingly a new found confidence in song writing. Gone are much of the experimental sound tendencies, such as spoken word samples, and extended sonic intros, in it's place are hand claps, swirling oscillating electric guitar, and pop-like hooks and melodies. 

After setting the tone with the album opener "Green Light", the album, coming in at a little over 12 minutes, breezes by. "Of Local Heritage" seems like the perfect transition song, a King's Parade era song gone electric. "WELL DIVERS" the albums ballad if there was to be one, with a soft subtle bass drum beat, over which a subdued vocal melody again lays on top of two bright guitars and hand claps. Finally the album closer "Rap Song Street Song" an announcement of what's yet to come from Plant Magic Man, starts simply enough and builds until breaking into far off drum beat, that propels the song to the album's end. 

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